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December 02, 2005


nick gogerty

I am an anthropologist first and former chief analyst for STARLAB (was Europes answer to MIT. I now work with inclue! We are an enabler for various blog networks and are looking for VC. Our software allows blog networks to bundle feeds, get reader revenue and metrics unavailable from other sources.

The blogging networks http://www.blognetworklist.com/topnetworks.php are beginning to resemble early magazine publishing houses in their own right. As the media of blogs gets richer (audio and video), the production costs, branding etc. will make sense for the network model even more.

Our ad supported RSS reader allows blog networks to bundle, measure and monetize their audiences like never before.

If you have any thoughts on VC or media players in the media space who may be interested in www.inclue.com please forward them on.

Casey Farrell

Nice job! Like the informal setting for a feeling of community.
Best Regards

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